Pittsburgh Society of 
Association Executives


  • June 08, 2022 9:21 PM | Lisa Moses (Administrator)

    Join us on July 13, 2022 from 5:30-7:30pm for a Welcome Back Happy Hour for PSAE members, non-members, and guests at Narcisi Winery.

    Registration includes complimentary beverages, appetizers, door prizes, and of course, great company!


    Renew your membership at the July 13 happy hour &

    receive a $25 discount off your membership fee!

    Register here - we can't wait to see you!

  • September 21, 2021 1:44 PM | Lisa Moses (Administrator)

    Has your association gone back to live meetings yet?  Are you planning your first live meeting post-pandemic?  Join us to hear from those that have experienced the return of live meetings in 2021.  More information and registration available here!

  • February 19, 2021 11:28 AM | Anonymous

    I know that we are all busy, in fact, busier than ever.  That's why it is so important for the PSAE community to re-connect with one another beginning on Tuesday evening, March 2 between 5:00-6:00PM for engaging presentations on "Success Stories of 2020!"  Those of us feeling COVID fatigue as the one-year anniversary amazingly approaches, can participate and feel energized as we hear how three members have found the secret formula to turn lemons into lemonade.  Registration is $10 for members and we encourage you to invite non-member colleagues for $15 per person.  The platform we are using is a new, interactive platform called Airmeet.  Instructions will be sent to all registrations ensuring they are able to 'test their tech' prior to the session.  A laptop or desktop with a mic and camera are necessary to participate in the interactive function of the platform including speed networking and small group table discussions.  Join me and other PSAE members as we kick off our 2021 educational series on March 2.

  • August 28, 2020 1:51 PM | Lisa Moses (Administrator)

    The Pittsburgh Society of Association Executives is incredibly sad to announce the passing of Nicholas G. Stratigos, our long-time mentor, colleague, and friend.  PSAE would like to honor Nick’s memory of a life well lived and publicly acknowledge his never-ending service toward his many passions, in particular, the PSAE community and the entire Pittsburgh association-related industry that he touched, lead, and navigated daily.

    Nick was a Certified Association Executive (CAE), and a member of PSAE for more than 20 years, serving twice as our President, Treasurer a multitude of times, and other Board positions throughout his tenure with PSAE.  He was the recipient of our prestigious Joe Gilbert Outstanding Association Executive Award, only one small achievement bestowed upon him during his lifetime. 

    Immense respect for Nick’s range of knowledge, mentorship, and breadth of activities contributes to his leadership legacy within the Pittsburgh association ecosystem.  In addition to his volunteer work at PSAE, Nick was also President of the Better Investing Pittsburgh Chapter, Board Member for the Miracle League of Southwestern PA, dedicated theatre group actor and voice talent, and a passionate Pittsburgh Penguins hockey fan.  He was educated at Duquesne University and Carnegie Mellon University, where he began his career as business manager for his alma mater.  Afterwards, Nick held many leadership positions with the Iron and Steel Society, Pittsburgh Technology Council, Printing Industries of America, and PRINTING United Alliance.  

    Our community sends our prayers and support to the main passion of Nick’s life, his family.  Our condolences are extended to his wife Cindy and his three children Melina, Lizzy, and Erik as they deal with the staggering loss of this remarkable man.  Help PSAE to honor a life well lived by posting your memories and encounters with Nick using the comment option below or on his personal Facebook page.  Rest in Peace dear friend. 

    On behalf of the entire PSAE Community,

    Beth A. Kassalen, MBA

    PSAE President 2020-2021

  • August 19, 2019 3:30 PM | Lisa Moses (Administrator)

    Fall 2019

    Many of us “fell” into association management. We didn’t necessarily grow up dreaming of being an association executive, certification professional, membership manager, or continuing education director. But you know what? We all have exciting careers that influence and share the industries we serve and ultimately the world. It can really be inspiring to consider the impact our organizations have made in transportation, housing, healthcare, economic development, and the environment.

    ASAE and PSAE will be considering this as we celebrate the centennial of ASAE. We will be looking at how associations build a stronger economy, enhance job skills, improve systems and structures, and strengthen lives through volunteerism. We will be celebrating our past and re-envisioning our future as the ASAE Foundation, through the Power of A campaign, starts to pull together incredible research about the value of associations. I will be sure to keep you updated as this information is released!

    But PSAE is not waiting for this research. We are gearing up for another great year with PSAE, and I am inviting each of you to become involved. The PSAE Board met recently and were so enthusiastic about making this year the best year yet as we celebrate, educate, inform, and network with our peers and colleagues.

    We are looking specifically for some individuals who are willing to do this with us.

    We recognize that the future of our profession is with our newer colleagues. We are launching a Young Professionals Committee to help the PSAE Board develop programs, advise the Board on issues faced by Young Professionals, and help us recruit and engage their peers in PSAE. If you are interested, please contact Lisa Ashbaugh.

    We are also looking for volunteers who can share the exciting work that you are doing! Specifically if you are having great success in using AI or augmented reality, creating new educational models at meetings (getting away from the podium and slide deck), or building new corporate partners or individual donors and are willing to share your experiences with your PSAE colleagues, please contact Beth Kassalen.

    Finally, we are looking for tech savvy communications individuals who would be willing to produce a PSAE podcast. If this is a skill you would like to build, we would love to hear from you! You can contact me at astengel@asra.com.

    The PSAE Board and I are excited about the coming year and look forward to working with you to make this a year in which we grow professionally and celebrate what we do!

    Angie Stengel   

    2019-2020 President


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1406 Pueblo Drive
Pittsburgh, PA  15228

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