Fall 2019
Many of us “fell” into association management. We didn’t necessarily grow up dreaming of being an association executive, certification professional, membership manager, or continuing education director. But you know what? We all have exciting careers that influence and share the industries we serve and ultimately the world. It can really be inspiring to consider the impact our organizations have made in transportation, housing, healthcare, economic development, and the environment.
ASAE and PSAE will be considering this as we celebrate the centennial of ASAE. We will be looking at how associations build a stronger economy, enhance job skills, improve systems and structures, and strengthen lives through volunteerism. We will be celebrating our past and re-envisioning our future as the ASAE Foundation, through the Power of A campaign, starts to pull together incredible research about the value of associations. I will be sure to keep you updated as this information is released!
But PSAE is not waiting for this research. We are gearing up for another great year with PSAE, and I am inviting each of you to become involved. The PSAE Board met recently and were so enthusiastic about making this year the best year yet as we celebrate, educate, inform, and network with our peers and colleagues.
We are looking specifically for some individuals who are willing to do this with us.
We recognize that the future of our profession is with our newer colleagues. We are launching a Young Professionals Committee to help the PSAE Board develop programs, advise the Board on issues faced by Young Professionals, and help us recruit and engage their peers in PSAE. If you are interested, please contact Lisa Ashbaugh.
We are also looking for volunteers who can share the exciting work that you are doing! Specifically if you are having great success in using AI or augmented reality, creating new educational models at meetings (getting away from the podium and slide deck), or building new corporate partners or individual donors and are willing to share your experiences with your PSAE colleagues, please contact Beth Kassalen.
Finally, we are looking for tech savvy communications individuals who would be willing to produce a PSAE podcast. If this is a skill you would like to build, we would love to hear from you! You can contact me at astengel@asra.com.
The PSAE Board and I are excited about the coming year and look forward to working with you to make this a year in which we grow professionally and celebrate what we do!
Angie Stengel 
2019-2020 President